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Writer's pictureVPremium Kuala Lumpur

LIFESTYLE "I'm My Own Independent" — Malaysian Sugar Baby Shares Her Life After Having A Sugar Daddy

Party Girl KL

There's hardly any in between when it comes to the public perception of sugar babies: are they driven go-getters, or modern-day gold diggers?

Falling prey to widespread stereotypes that are often inconclusive or straight up untrue, how fair is it to paint all sugar babies with the same brush when we aren't certain about the depth of their lives?

To fully understand the nature of some of these enigmas, we recently had a conversation with a Malaysian sugar baby, to divulge into a multitude of topics relating to her life path since embarking on this journey.

Disclaimer: The name of the interviewee has been changed for privacy purposes.

24-year-old Olivia has been a sugar baby for the past six years, and despite what many may think, still holds pride to her status as a long-time sugar baby"There's no shame in it as far as I see. Often times, I reckon that widespread jealousy leads to people [resenting] me for my life choices," she said.

Starting from the very beginning, we broke down what being a sugar baby means to Olivia. "Many [sugar] babies have different opinions on the term. For me, it is a transactional relationship where a sugar daddy or mommy, mainly a person who is financially comfortable, initiates a relationship with a sugar baby, someone younger and unattached. The pairing can be a romantic or platonic one. Sometimes it goes further, but generally I leave it to that."

While the ongoing cliché enlists sugar daddies as carrying out such a relationship as a means to fulfil their sexual desires, Olivia immediately shut down such a notion. "I won't be hypocritical, but that isn't the case for most sugar daddies. Companionship is key when describing the complexities in many of these connections," she conveyed.

"The world can be a lonely place, whether you are attached or not. Why go through it alone?"

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